In The Heights, a heartwarming new film directed by Jon M. Chu and adapted from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway musical of the same name, is a story about love and big dreams set in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. But long before this story was shared on stages or the big screen, Washington Heights, or simply “The Heights” to locals, was already a lively community of real New York City characters—many with deep roots throughout Latin America, especially Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Ecuador and Mexico.
With a neighborhood important to so many, it was crucial that the filmmakers stay true to the community. The result is a film that will resonate with not only those who are Latino but anyone who has grappled with the sense of belonging or had dreams bigger than themselves.
Click through for behind-the-scenes captures from the film, which will be in theaters and available on HBO Max on June 10.
“In The Heights” is a trademark of 5001 Broadway Productions, LLC and Barrio Grrrl! Productions, Inc.