What makes New York City so great? The experts agree: it's our things. Those things are a multifarious lot comprising attractions, institutions, people, quotations, architecture, works of art and food (lots of food). But they're all linked together by their New York-ness. They're the reasons New York City is New York City. Below, we've enumerated and illustrated some of our favorites. Take a gander, and then .1. 2. The Village Voice3. 4. Chelsea Hotel5. 6. 7. Perpetually lamenting the Brooklyn Dodgers' departure8. Lou Reed9. Peter Luger Steak House10. Guastavino tiles (like 's)11. "Stand clear of the closing doors please"12. announcements too quiet to hear13. Subway announcements too loud to understand14. 15. Pastrami on rye16. "[Insert neighborhood here] was so much cooler when I first moved in"17. "New York, New York" after 18. Unannounced concerts by Michael Stipe, Justin Timberlake, Billie Joe Armstrong, U2, two-thirds of Nirvana…19. Greek takeaway coffee cups20. Regular coffee21. 22. The Phantom of the Opera23. 24. The Village Halloween Parade25. The Mermaid Parade26. The Thanksgiving Day Parade27. Acronymic neighborhoods28. Bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches (aka "BEC")29. Rent30. Lady Gaga31. Stickball32. 33. Judging people who toast bagels34. 35. "New Yawk" accents36. "Downtown"37. Basquiat38. Carrying heels in your bag39. Wu-Tang Clan40. 41. 42. 43. Sex and the City44. Magnolia Bakery ; - )45. Black-and-white cookies46. Jay Z47. Double Dutch48. "I'm walkin' here!"49. Giving directions to strangers50. Keith Haring's Crack Is Wack mural51. Shakespeare in the Park52. Patti Smith53. The Ramones54. Rockaway Beach55. 56. Steam heat57. Yellow cabs58. Spike Lee59. 60. 61. 62. Amateur Night at 63. Hanging out on a stoop64. Yonah Schimmel knishes65. 66. Wall Street67. 68. Arguing over what qualifies as a New York thing69. Arguing over neighborhood boundaries70. Arguing71. Wearing all-black everything72. 73. The fact that West 4th Street intersects with West 10th Street74. ...and with West 11th, 12th and 13th Streets75. 76. 77. 78. "Do you like hip-hop?"79. 80. Goodbye to All That, by Joan Didion81. Hot 9782. WFUV83. 84. Guy Fieri's American Grill85. New York Times restaurant reviews86. 87. Alternate-side parking88. Law and Order shoots89. NY190. 90. On the 691. 92. Knowing what CBGB OMFUG stands for93. Legs McNeil94. Lester Bangs95. 96. Celebrities riding the subway97. Pigeons riding the subway98. John Zorn99. Truman Capote100. The changing colors of the 101. Warhol's Factory102. The Unisphere103. 104. Bodegas105. Bodega cats106. 107. MetroCards108. Daily News op-eds109. New York Post headlines110. The salmon-colored pages of the New York Observer111. Red pandas at the 112. The Manhattan 113. WPA art and architecture114. , the Official Guide to New York City. Sign up for our . Like us on . Follow us on , and . Use the hashtag #newyorkthings. Thank you.Pictures: Emily Lessard (Creative Director), Caitlin Clingman, Sara Duell, Louis Lee, Alexander Quinn, Jose Quinteros, Noah VeneziaWords: Jonathan Durbin, Adam Kuban, Christina Parrella, Alyson Penn, Andrew Rosenberg, Brian Sloan, Jonathan Zeller