The Metropolitan Community Church of New York (MCCNY) has long been a lifeline for LGBTQ+ individuals and a fixture at marches, rallies and celebrations in the City, known for its God Made Me Queer slogan and for preaching acceptance.
At its helm is Reverend Pat Bumgardner, who has been the priest at the church for 35 years and a participant of marches for decades. The most recent Queer Liberation March, organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, took place on June 27, 2021, attracting thousands of attendees to the streets of New York in a grassroots effort to support the LGBTQ+ community and gain visibility and respect.
Members and supporters of MCCNY were offered communion at Bryant Park before stepping off to join the march. Scroll through the images below to view highlights of the day’s events.
(From left) A protest sign advocating for freedom at the QLM; Rev. Bumgardner shares food with participants.
A marcher covered in glitter
MCCNY member Lyndsey McAdams (center, holding sign) heads down Seventh Avenue.
(From left) Rev. Bumgardner performs a communion ceremony before the march; bread is offered during the communion.
Rooftop celebrants overlook the march.
An intimate touch
(From left) A couple with matching nail polish holding hands; Rev. Bumgardner holds a sign bearing MCCNY’s motto.
A marcher celebrates Black trans lives.
(From left) A marcher sells “dyke hankies” for $10 each; a float honoring Simon Nkoli, a gay rights and AIDS activist.
A float honoring Raymond Castro, one of the first Stonewall Uprising arrestees in 1969. Stonewall helped spark today's LGBTQ+ movement.
A matching couple stands together before setting off.
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